Job opening: PhD position (4 years, fully funded)

Leiden University’s computer science department (LIACS) is seeking an enthusiastic and well-qualified PhD candidate in network science, a field also referred to as complex networks or social network analysis. The position is for 4 years and is fully funded. The candidate will be part of the Platform for Large-scale Analysis of Networks Netherlands (PLANET-NL) interdisciplinary group of researchers in both computer science and social science, which will meet regularly as part of the broader consortium project. One particular object of study of this group, and thus possibly also for the candidate, is the multi-layer population-scale social network data of the Netherlands, featuring twelve years of longitudinal network data on all seventeen million inhabitants of the Netherlands and their family, work, school, neighbor and household ties, i.e., the data also studied in the POPNET project. The candidate will be furthermore be embedded in the Computational Network Science (CNS) group in Leiden.

While the position offers a certain degree of freedom in terms of the precise research direction, as part of the broader SSHOC-NL consortium project, the candidate will be asked to work on community detection in large-scale dynamic networks, and how this is affected by aggregation of the network. This ties into a broader objective of the consortium in which the aim is to understand how privacy-sensitive population-scale (network) data, possibly at an aggregated level, can be made accessible and interoperable.

For details and to apply, see the vacancy at the university website.