Population-scale Social Network Analysis

Keynote Frank Takes at IC2S2 2021 Missed the keynote by Frank Takes at IC2S2 2021? You can view the full presentation here. Abstract The use of country-wide administrative register data enables the discovery of population-scale insights into contemporary problems such ...

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Measuring Anonymity in Complex Networks

Poster presentation by Rachel de Jong at IC2S2 conference Authors: Rachel de Jong; Mark van der Loo; Frank Takes Complex networks are often used to describe the interactions between individuals or organizations within social or economic systems. In order to ...

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Measuring Structural Anonymity in Complex Networks

Master thesis presentation by Rachel de Jong When sharing sensitive data, it should be made sure that entities represented in it are sufficiently anonymous in order to avoid a possible breach of privacy. In the field of statistical disclosure control, ...

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Population-scale social network analysis

Parallel session talk by Frank Takes at European Conference on Social Network EUSN 2021 This work is centered around a population-scale social network analysis study of all 17 million inhabitants of the Netherlands. In the considered (anoymized) population-scale social network, ...

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POPNET Connects with Lasse Folke Henriksen

Please register for the seminar via the button. You will receive a link to the virtual meeting via email.  Careers through Networks – Studying the Relational Underpinnings of Social Mobility using Danish Register Data Labor market mobility is the product ...

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POPNET Connects with Tobias Blanke

Please register for the seminar via the button. You will receive a link to the virtual meeting via email.  Algorithmic Reason - The New Government of Self and Other Tobias Blanke will present parts of their forthcoming book (together with ...

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3rd NETWORKS Match Makers Seminar

Lecture by Frank Takes The Networks Match Makers seminar series started in October 2020 after a succesfull workshop in January 2020, called NETWORKS Matchmaking Event. In this series we bring together network scientists from the social and economic sciences with network scientists from ...

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