Population-scale Social Network Analysis
Seminar at GRAFO – GRUP DE RECERCA EN ANTROPOLOGIA FONAMENTAL I ORIENTADA (University of Barcelona) by Frank Takes and Yuliia Kazmina Country-wide administrative register data, as studied within the POPNET Project, enables the discovery of population-scale insights into contemporary social ...
Research Colloquium on Business Informatics
As part of the Research Colloquium on Information Systems and Data Science of the Institute of Information Systems of Leuphana University Lüneburg, co-director Frank Takes will speak on "Population-scale Social Network Analysis" via Zoom.
LCN2 seminar: The anatomy of a population-scale social network
Lecture for Leiden Complex Networks Network (LCN2) on "the anatomy of a population-scale social network" by Eszter Bokányi.
Population-scale Social Network Analysis
Lecture by co-director Frank Takes for the Maths and Statistics Department in the University of Limerick.
The anatomy of a population-scale social network
Lecture for the Institute for Analytical Sociology of Linköping University, by Eszter Bokányi.
Population-scale Social Network Analysis
Lecture by Frank Takes for the Interaction Data Lab of the Center for Research and Interdisciplinarity (CRI) in Paris.
The anatomy of a population-scale social network
Lecture by Eszter Bokányi for the Network Seminar series of the Learning Planet Institute.
Segregation in population scale social networks
Lecture by Eelke Heemskerk and Yuliia Kazmina at the Sociology Department of Utrecht University
Promise and perils of population-scale social network analysis
On Thursday 26 October, POPNET PI Frank Takes will present his work online for the IAS lecture series of the Institute for Analytical Sociology in Norrköping, Sweden. Abstract A relatively recently emerged line of research is dedicated to harnessing large-scale ...
Contacts in contexts: A population-scale social network approach to the study of close intergroup social ties
On June 28, Nicolás Soler, PhD Candidate (Erasmus University Rotterdam) and POPNET Fellow, will give a lecture about a new approach that investigates social context in intergroup social ties across multiple contexts. Abstract Close intergroup social ties provide fertile ground ...